After all the rain and winds that we have had in June, I’m relieved to see that some of our birds have produced young.

I know that we had some long tailed tits nesting in the wild garden. I am pretty sure they have fledged now but I haven’t seen them around so I hope they have survived.  On a good note, we have baby great tits in the garden – one flew into one of our windows yesterday, but luckily revived and flew off — the dangers of growing up!

There is also one baby blue tit who sits beside the bird feeders and  demands lots of food from a very active parent – only one fledging though. Quite a few sparrows are  nesting in our nest boxes and hedgerows but I haven’t seen any young yet.

Two weeks ago we were getting pots out of our plant pot store near to the compost heap when a robin flew out of one of the pots. There were tiny eggs in a nest in the pot, so we  left this area alone as much as we could, and happily a brood of chicks has survived and are now in the garden. Such a pesky place to nest though!

It has been such a difficult Spring and early Summer that I am concerned about our bird population.

At the moment I have just got fat balls, encrusted with seeds, in the feeders. I will buy some mealworms as they will be a welcome addition but haven’t been able to put them out as yet – also, they are very expensive!!!

Last  week was the RSPB week to record how many birds you see in your garden in an hour, plus any other wildlife that you may see. Unfortunately I missed it, as I was busy preparing for visitors, but I will spend some time doing it anyway – a good reason to sit and relax, and enjoy the wildlife in the garden.