Sow seeds! Then sow some more! This is the time of year to sow hardy annuals, herbs and most vegetables either straight into a prepared bed in the garden, or into containers, to transplanting a few weeks. I have to admit that we tend to sow seeds into containers. However, we have sown salvia horminum, cerinthe and cornflowers directly into the cutting garden beds as the soil is quite warm and moist.
I have to admit that I have got far too many seeds awaiting sowing – more than I could ever want or need. I think it’s a bit of an obsession!
Take this further? Lots of practical tips for seed sowing and general gardening can be foundon the, which is the website of our leading Organic Gardening Organisation. It is located in Ryton, near Coventry, and is well worth a visit if you are interested in gardening organically.