Gardening for Wellbeing

Tuesdays at Fieldcrest Garden, 1.00 -3.30 pm

Studies show that gardening and being outdoors can greatly improve wellbeing, both physically and emotionally.

Our busy modern lifestyles often leave us little or no time to reflect and regenerate so here at Fieldcrest Garden we are cultivating an environment where you can learn new skills and spend time in a natural environment as part of our volunteers group.

We have opportunities to volunteer in the garden on Tuesday afternoons, learning new gardening skills and undertaking some physical activity.

We have lots of different garden areas at Fieldcrest, mainly divided into individual uses/themes and welcome volunteers who would like to spend a few hours a week gardening. The land is flat and fairly easy to work.

What will volunteers do?

We have a group of lovely volunteers who come along on a Tuesday afternoon to help in the garden and undertake a variety of gardening jobs, plus recording, photographing and propagating.

We’ll learn about different types of plants, how the garden changes throughout the seasons, what plants work in what spaces and meet some of our local wildlife!

Do I need to be an expert gardener?

No. It’s great if you know something about gardening, but most of the jobs are supervised by Chris (who usually joins in) so you’ll learn quickly and there will be lots of things to join in with. Enthusiasm, sociability and a bit of stamina are ideal as we’ll be outside and the work is often reasonably physical.

What will I get out of volunteering?

Volunteering at Fieldcrest is a great way to learn new gardening skills for free! In return for your hard work, we offer informative gardening tips, hands-on experience and the chance to see your efforts form part of a living landscape.

We have a lovely cabin to meet in before we start and shelter in if the weather is poor, as well as meet for tea and biscuits during our break!

If you would like to join us and learn more then please call or email us – you can find out contact details here.

For health and safety reasons we need to know how many volunteers will be with us in advance so please don’t call in without signing up with us first!