The 4 baby great tits are still growing and have feathers and their eyes are open. They are also very noisy! I still fear for one of the babies as the other three literally sit on top of it and prevent it eating. The mother bird was not in the next last night – I am concerned about her as there seems to be only one bird feeding the chicks. All very tense.

In the garden everything is growing like mad, including the weeds. We suffer mainly from grass and sorrel here ( sorrel likes our slightly acid soil) and it is real struggle to keep on top of it. For once I have decided to use some herbicide on it, glyphosate, using a small spray gun. This means that I will have to not weed for a week, so I do hope it will work.

Salads can still be sown, so I am using a large modular tray to sow another batch of various salad crops.

It’s also time to get containers and baskets sorted out and get them ready for being outdoors, so I am busy doing this – I will put some hints and tips in the Container Course details!