We have had some lovely sunshine in the garden this week. The early spring bulbs, such as crocus and snowdrops are peeping through and there are catkins on the Hazel trees.
Some of our trees, especially the Silver Birch and Eucalyptus have had to be pruned – quite a big job and one that needed a professional tree surgeon. The Silver Birch have to be pruned before the sap starts rising (about now), so we have done them just in time. The shredded bark has been put down on our bottom path and is looking good.
Now is still a good time to sow Sweet Peas – I am sowing ‘Anniversary’, ‘Cupani’ and ‘Charlies Angel’ – all strong growers and good for cutting. Sow three seeds in a 3” pot, start them off in some warmth and then put into a greenhouse or cloche until the weather warms a bit, then out in the garden in April.