Ornamental Garden – spring is finally in the air here at Fieldcrest. The snowdrops are looking beautiful, and the first daffodils are out. I usually plant the smaller varieties of Narcissi in the main garden as the leaves from the larger varieties are so dominant after the flowers have gone. The Primulas are looking good too. I have got some lovely yellow native primroses, but have also bought so more colourful hybrids (from Dovecote Nursery) for the Yew Walk, mainly blue, yellow and pink. The blue ones are surprisingly scented as often the hybrids lose their scent, so I have put some of these into a container to easily catch the scent. I also really like the laced primroses, which are brownish in colour and have a gold edge to the petals. These have gone into some containers and are also in the tropical garden, looking good with a crimson leaved Bergenia (think it is called Eric Smith – a variety name, not just my own name for it!!)