Garden Photography for DSLR Users

The course is intended for: people with DSLR cameras who know how to use them in Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority and Manual Modes. Do you enjoy taking photos of gardens and plants? Are you familiar with how to use your camera’s settings creatively? Then let...

Garden Photography for DSLR Beginners

The course is intended for: people with DSLR cameras who want to learn how to utilise all their cameras’ features to take better photographs of gardens. Would you like to learn how to take better photos of gardens and plants? Do you have a DSLR camera but use it only...

Garden Photography with Compact and Phone Cameras

Would you like to learn how to take better photos of gardens and plants with your phone or compact camera? Professional garden photographer Joe Wainwright will show you the tricks of the trade, with lots of information and practical advice on composition and...