Scented Container Our container gardening courses are proving very popular. We haven’t got any more scheduled for 2014, but are developing a whole range for next year – contact us to get on the mailing list, if you think you might be interested. In the meantime, why not have a go at planting up a container with the plants listed below?

  • 2 x Lavender Munstead
  • 1 x Thymus Silver Queen
  • 1 x Thymus Silver Posie
  • 1 x Rosemary ‘Miss Jessops Upright’
  • 4 x Dianthus ‘Passion’
  • 2 x Pelargonium ‘Sweet Mimosa’
  • 2 x Pelargonium sidoides
  • 1 x Heliotrope
  • 1 x Petunia surfinia ‘Purple Vein’

This selection of scented herbs and plants have been planted up in a wooden container, which is about 1 metre x 30 cms. I was very lucky to buy an unusual heliotrope from one of the National Collection holders, so I have put it in the container in the hope that I won’t lose it – it has a lovely sweet fragrance.