It’s nearly Christmas, and given the weather we’ve been having, it’s definitely time to hang up the trowel and have a well earned break. As the year comes to a close we’ve been reflecting on the past 12 months and making our plans for the new year.
We’ve had a great year here at Fieldcrest (I’ve just about forgotten about the heatwave!) and we are looking forward to 2019. Our plans are to continue growing and selling fresh cut flowers as part of Flowers from The Farm, plus floristry courses, more group talks and afternoon teas.
We have also enjoyed hosting guest craft classes in our fully equipped garden room so if you know anyone who would like to hire the space please get in touch.
Next year I’m also giving more talks to Gardening Societies, W.I’s and anyone who would like to hear me talk!!
As part of our ‘Gardening for Wellbeing’ approach we have welcomed lots of volunteers for an informal way to spend time in the garden, learn some new skills and have a cuppa and a chat! We’re open for new volunteers now so do sign up to join us in the spring.
This month we had lots of fun making our Christmas wreaths and we were really impressed with the results – it’s amazing how everyone has the same materials but came up with such a variety of great designs. The classes were really popular so we’re thinking of adding more festive classes next year – let us know if there’s anything you’ve always fancied having a go at!
Finally we’d like to say thank you to everyone who has supported us this year and we hope to see you again in 2019.
Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year,
from all of us at Fieldcrest.