We may already have told you about our plans to hold more courses at Fieldcrest Garden this year, but now it’s official – Wirral Council have granted planning permission for our classroom, so it’s all systems go! We just thought we’d write to everyone on our contact list to tell them, and we’re going to try to put together a regular email newsletter through the summer – if you’d rather not get these updates, there’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email.
Now we just need to actually build the classroom – at the moment it’s a big pile of timber and a clearing, so Paul and Phil have got their work cut out to get it ready for our first full-day course on May 23rd! To celebrate getting planning permission we thought we’d offer some free courses – so anybody who books one of our full day courses before the classroom is built (i.e. before May 23rd, or whichever is later!) will get a free ticket to a Propagation Workshop in August (worth £20).