I can’t believe that we are now in May, so I have decided to pretend that it is still April so as not to panic. I am fighting a constant battle against weeds in the main garden despite tons of mulch being scattered far and wide, and now is the time to sow virtually all of the seeds for the flower cutting, herb and vegetable gardens. It is also a good time to take softwood cuttings of many herbs and perennial plants.

As a result of this I am running around like a maniac, using up much needed energy and actually not achieving a great deal. Why did I think that creating a ‘Potager’ last year was a good idea when it took me all of my time to keep the main house borders in some sort of control? Ah well, no time to muse on what might have been, there are seeds to be sown.
If all goes well, In another month I am can start to relax and enjoy the garden.

It’s just a bit of fun!!!

Continuing on the above theme, when my Mother in Law passed away last year, we inherited a planter, comprising a large urn and pedestal. Not my usual style, which is more Country Cottage than Chatsworth House. I decided that as my Father in Law liked bedding plants, I would ‘ just have a bit of fun’ as Rob Brydon suggests and create a little RHS Tatton Show style bedding display around the planter. I sent off for rooted cuttings of Marigold ‘Vanilla Ice’ and bought two bargain packs of lilac coloured busy lizzies to edge them with – quite tasteful I thought.

I have spent ages potting the cuttings into bigger pots, which now use up loads of space in my little polytunnel, then realised that one pack of my lilac b lizzies is in fact bright red! The original packs have now all been sold. What to do I wonder?

As things are so busy here at the moment, I think the best thing is to put off making a decision until May – which at Fieldcrest will be in about three weeks time I think.

So much for Rob Brydon and his ‘just a bit of fun’!!!