
The sun is shining and it is very pleasant outside, so I have taken pictures of some of the Spring flowers in the garden to share with you.

It has been a long year for everyone hasn’t it?  Here at Fieldcrest, we have been isolating for much of the time. However, this enforced inactivity has given me the opportunity to take stock and I have decided to significantly reduce what I do!

As a result, Fieldcrest and all our activities will remain closed for the time being.  If we decide to do some more classes or other activities later this year, we will of course let you know. So, I am afraid that this will be my final Fieldcrest newsletter!

We are sad to finish this chapter of our lives but looking forward to spending more time enjoying the garden instead of just working in it!

I want to thank everyone who has supported us over the last few years: meeting and sharing the garden and all things horticultural with you has been so rewarding and enjoyable and we have made lots of new friends and acquaintances.

I hope that this year we will all be able to get out and about – so keep a look out for Paul and I when visiting other open gardens as we plan to do a lot more of this ourselves in 2021!!

Take care and happy gardening

With best wishes from Chris and family