lemon herbs for teaMany herbs are lemon flavoured and make refreshing teas.

The ‘Woody’ box contains:

  • Variegated Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) — A hardy perennial , 30 – 80 cms, grows in sun/partial shade in most soils. Use the leaves to make a lemon tea with calming, digestive properties’
  • Lemon Thyme (Thymus x citriodorus) – hardy evergreen perennial 30cms. Needs gritty, free draining soil in sun. Thymus Doone Valley and Silver Queen in the box. Pleasant drink, with antiseptic quality and use as gargle for sore throats.
  • Lemon Verbena ( Aloysia triphylla) – half hardy deciduous perennial. Likes light well drained soil in sun, needs protection in winter. Leaves used fresh or dried and have a lovely lemon flavour. A refreshing and uplifting drink.
  • Lemon Grass (cymbopogon citrates) – Tender herb form India, highly prized in Thai cooking. Often used as an oil to sooth muscle pain and skin irritations.

Other lemon scented herbs: Lemon Basil, Lemon Mint

To make Lemon Verbena tea (or tisane)

1. Slice four fresh lemon verbena leaves crosswise into five or six smaller pieces and place into the bottom of a heat-proof mug. If fresh leaves are not available, use half a teaspoon of dried lemon verbena.

2. Bring one cup of spring or distilled water to a rolling boil, and then pour over the herbs. Cover to keep in the aroma and allow the tea to steep for five to 10 minutes.

3. Remove the cover from the mug, strain the herbs from the liquid, sweeten with honey if desired and drink immediately for the best results. Lemon verbena tea may also be served over ice garnished with a fresh leaf.