If you are very hardy and want to do some gardening in December, here are some jobs to do at this time of year:

  • Carry on / Finish tidying up the borders by removing dead foliage and leaves. Move perennials if needed.
  • Plant tulip bulbs a.s.a.p into the garden; it may be a good idea to put some grit or sand underneath them as the soil is so wet at the moment. Alternatively you can place the bulbs into pots and then take them out and plant them in the beds when you are ready. I find a three litre pot with about 5 bulbs in is good for this. Protect your pots from mice because they do like a snack of tulip bulbs.
  • Prune trees such as Silver Birch before new leaves form in the Spring
  • Put your feet up and plan what you want to do next year – definitely my preferred option!