I was invited to attend a meeting at Heswall U3A today. It was a main members meeting with a theme of flowers and gardens. I took along some containers and flowers together with information about Fieldcrest and our courses and events. Everyone was very friendly, and there was lots of interest in what we are doing.

I arranged some Lilacs, Aquilegias, Alliums and silver Eleagnus foliage (picked at 6 am this morning from the garden) in some pewter tankards to go onto our stand. Remember that Lilacs are very thirsty plants, so cut off some of the bark and split the stem at the base to allow it to absorb as much water as possible. Remove the leaves and put some plant food into the water.  The scent was absolutely gorgeous.

Photo is below (taken by me – I think I will definitely have to attend Joe Wainwright’s photography Course here!)
