The nights are definitely drawing in now, a signal for Paul to give the hedges a final cut. He tries to trim the yew hedges in August, but it usually takes until late August – September to get around to the hawthorn hedges surrounding the garden – about 500 feet plus! We have been putting in native trees and shrubs along our boundary hedge and are developing some good plants of Hazels, Field maples, Roses, Quickthorn and some Blackberries and Honeysuckle.
Disappointingly, the farmer next door has also been around ploughing and hedgecutting and has removed foliage on the fieldside very close to the boundary and ploughed up to a foot away from our garden. Such a shame that farmers are still doing this sort of thing. Last year we also planted some mixed trees and shrubs on the edge of our ‘Green Lane’ here. The previous owners had planted a row of beech hedging about 8 foot the boundary, but half of this hedge was killed after the garden was flooded. So we have replanted with a variety of hedgerow varieties. They have struggled a bit this year as it has been so hot, so lets hope there will be some rain for them in the Autumn. Paul has trimmed this hedge and this area is looking good now, no doubt inspired by the incredible hedging at Scampston Walled Gardens.
However, the ideal is to leave on part of the hedgerow uncut for a year as this allows the flowers, berries and fruit to develop and provide food for the local wildlife.