• Available: Spring & Summer

  • Duration: Morning (10:30am – 1pm) or afternoon (1pm – 3pm)

  • Price: £20 including tea/coffee and course notes

Until fairly recently, herbs have been quite neglected in our gardens, but recently there has been a revival in growing and using herbs. So, instead of buying them ready packed from supermarkets, why not try growing your own fresh and chemical free plants?

This course is for people who can recognise the main herbs but would like to widen their knowledge of herbs in general and also learn about the ways that herbs can be used. In the course we will:

  • Identify a variety of herbs, mainly culinary, but herbs for other uses as well.
  • Classify different types of herbs into annuals, biennials, perennials, shrubs and bulbs and show you how to grow them.
  • Consider which garden conditions suit which herb, looking at light, weather, soils and drainage.
  • Suggest uses of some of the most popular culinary herbs.

At the end of the course you will have a good general knowledge about growing a variety of herbs with some ideas on how to use them. Please bring outdoor wear as we will be looking at the ways in which we grow herbs at Fieldcrest.

“Lovely. Enjoyed it very much and hope to come to many more” – SM, Neston

“Really enjoyed the talk. Went to the propagation course as well – all my seeds and cuttings took” – LS, Heswall

“Wonderful way to spend a morning” – MS, Gayton.