I’ve been cutting and conditioning my flowers for tonight’s talk at Willaston Gardening Group, and was a bit worried that I might not have enough flower material as the weather has been so awful and the plants are struggling!

I literally have one of two blooms of some of the plants while we wait for the rest to bloom, but here’s a list of a selection of those that I am taking along.

All available for sale here at Fieldcrest this month. Find out more about our opening hours.

Hardy Sweet Peas, Cornflower, Nigella, Cerinthe, Godetia, Ammi majus, Briza, Hordeum

Half hardy  Cosmos, Antirrhinum

Biennials  Foxgloves, Sweet William,

Bulbs and tubers  Gladioli, Dahlias , Alliums

Perennials  Lupins, Campanula, Peony, Linaria, Alchemilla, Astrantia, Dianthus

Herbs Mint, Oregano, Sage, Tansy, Valerian, Rosemary, Myrtle, Lavender

Shrubs and Trees   Eucalyptus, Privet, Ivy, Philadelphus, Abelia, Lonicera Baggens Gold, Honeysuckle, Roses.