by Christine | Jun 16, 2016 | Bees, Birds, Flowers, News, Wildlife
Observing and looking after wildlife is definitely on the agenda here at Fieldcrest this month. We have been watching Springwatch for the last two weeks and marvelling at all of the wonderful wildlife that we have in Britian. We are also preparing for Cheshire...
by phil | Aug 27, 2015 | Bees, Wildlife
This seems to have been a bumper year for bees in the garden. Local photographer Les Pickstock has been here on a few days and taken some great photos of our bees. In particular we seem to have got lots of bumblebees in the garden.The existing borders plus a new...
by Phil | Jul 22, 2014 | Bees, Birds, Events, Talks
On Friday August 8th Fieldcrest Garden School will be hosting a course on how to attract birds, bees and butterflies into the garden. Find out more and book. by Phil | Aug 25, 2011 | Bees, Borders, Buddleias, Insects, Wildlife
Our garden buddlejas were named after an Essex botanist called Reverend Adam Buddle. There are over 100 species ranging from 16 to 98ft tall. Buddlejas are not native to Europe; the ones we are familiar with in Britain are hybrids of Buddleia davidii which flower in... by Phil | Apr 3, 2011 | Bees, Flowers
The Japanese Quince (Chaenomeles japonica) which is growing beside the house wall under our lounge window, is now buzzing with the sound of bees. It is incredible and confirms that spring is upon is. This variety of quince is very trainable and grows to about 2ft high...