by phil | Jul 15, 2015 | Events, News, Open Garden
We are thrilled to be included again in the National Gardens Scheme (NGS) Open Gardens in 2015, and will open for this really good cause on Sunday July 19th, between 1pm and 4pm. We hope you will be able to join us and enjoy our garden! How to find us
by Phil | Aug 1, 2014 | Events, Open Garden
Fieldcrest Garden will be open for charity on Tuesday August 5th, from 1-4pm. Entrance is free, but a suggested donation to charity of £3.50 would be welcome, and tea / coffee and cake is available.
by Phil | Jun 25, 2014 | Events, Open Garden
Fieldcrest Garden will be open for charity on Tuesday July 1st, from 1-4pm. All proceeds will be for Wirral Hospice St John’s. Entrance is free, but a suggested contribution of £3.50 would be welcome to support this very worthy charity, and tea / coffee and cake... by Phil | Apr 17, 2013 | Events, Open Garden, Talks
We have opened our garden for the National Gardens Scheme since 2011, which has been great and has raised money for the worthwhile charities supported by the NGS and funds for Claire House Hospice who provided refreshments at the Open Days. However, this year, we were... by Phil | Apr 12, 2012 | Events, Open Garden
We are thrilled to be included again in the National Gardens Scheme (NGS) Open Gardens in 2012, and will open on July 14th and 15th, between 1pm and 5pm. We hope you will be able to join us and enjoy our garden! How to find us by Phil | May 1, 2011 | archive, Open Garden
I can’t believe that we are now in May, so I have decided to pretend that it is still April so as not to panic. I am fighting a constant battle against weeds in the main garden despite tons of mulch being scattered far and wide, and now is the time to sow virtually...