5 Best Lily Flowered Tulips to Grow

Tulips are the stars of the spring garden. From late March until May they provide colour and height in beds, borders and containers. Tulips grow best in fertile, well drained soil in a sunny sheltered position. There are lots of tulip varieties to grow, but some of...

This Week… 15 March 2013

Tulips from Amsterdam All of the family set off for Amsterdam last weekend, with the intention of going to the famous Keukenhof gardens outside Amsterdam. Sadly it was not to be because there were no tulips at the gardens. We decided not to go to Keukenhof, but stay...

A New Broom!

Brooms (Cytisus) have been flowering for some weeks now, the small pea like flowers emitting a sweet scent. The plants have green narrow whippy stems and are usually deciduous or semi- evergreen. Our native broom is Cytisus scoparius which grows about 6ft tall and has...

Tulip Time!

A few years ago, I attended a talk given by tulip expert Anna Pavord. At the time I felt most frustrated because my garden was dark and shaded and had clay, wet soils – the opposite of what tulips like. When we moved to Fieldcrest six years ago, my world was...