June 2019 events

June 2019 events

I’ve got a busy month planned! As well as our new regular opening hours, you can also find me out and about at the following events: Tuesday 18th June, Willaston Village Hall: Evening talk ‘Grow your own Flowers for the Home’ at Willaston...
2018 at Fieldcrest Garden

2018 at Fieldcrest Garden

Welcome to our 2018 programme! We’re excited to be starting the new year with our most popular courses and activities, plus some new ones. Keep an eye on our Courses & Workshops page for more updates.
National Gardens Scheme

National Gardens Scheme

We are thrilled to be included again in the National Gardens Scheme (NGS) Open Gardens in 2015, and will open for this really good cause on Sunday July 19th, between 1pm and 4pm. We hope you will be able to join us and enjoy our garden! How to find us