Cae Hir, near Lampeter, Mid Wales

In September 2014 we visited Cae Hir on our annual garden visiting holiday. The garden has been created and run by the Akkerman family and is an example of gardening on a steep slope – and I do mean a steep slope. However if you meander from bed to bed then you can get up the garden along well tended grass paths. There was lots to see and it is all set in beautiful Welsh countryside.

Across the lane from the main garden is another area, with large ponds and trees – this one is pretty flat so much better for me.

After viewing the garden we had a lovely Cream Tea in the small café. Julie has very kindly given me her scone recipe, so visitors to Fieldcrest will be able to sample them here this year.

We were very lucky with the weather as it was dry and sunny, but I hope to return in mid summer and appreciate better the extensive perennial beds planted throughout.

Cae Hir is an RHS Partner Garden and full details can be seen on their website.