While Autumn means things slow down a bit in the garden there’s still penty to do before the winter. Here are some top tips and if you want more, come along to one of our classes or mini talks (click on the links for more info)

  • Plant spring bulbs, including crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths, bluebells and snake’s-head fritillaries in pots and borders
  • Collect ripe seeds from your favourite flowers and store in labelled envelopes, ready to sow in spring. Mini talk 4th September
  • Take cuttings from fuchsias, salvias and pelargoniums. Mini talk 11th September  
  • Keep summer bedding flowering in hanging baskets and pots until the first frosts by deadheading and feeding regularly
  • Plant wallflowers, pansies, forget-me-nots and other spring bedding in pots and borders. Demonstration Monday 8th October, mini talk 9th October
  • Trim conifer hedges to neaten them up and control height. Mini talk 16th October
  • Leave sunflower seed heads in place for birds to feed on
  • Lift gladioli corms, dry them off, then store in a frost-free shed or garage over winter
  • Plant up containers for autumn interest, using cyclamen, heathers, heucheras and other colourful bedding plants: Demonstration Monday 8th October, mini talk 9th October
  • Bring any houseplants that you moved outside over summer back indoors, before temperatures start to drop.
  • Lift, divide and replant congested clumps of perennials, such as achilleas, once they finish flower and start thinking about how you want your borders next year. October 15 and 17th, Plan and Plant your Borders, two day course.
  • Sow winter salads, carrots and herbs such as parsley and coriander. Cut mint down and put some indoors to last a bit longer.

Thank you to BBC Gardeners World for these top tips – read more here