We’ve been working hard all winter on putting together an exciting programme of events and courses for 2015, and we’ve finally added them all to our website. we hope that we’ve put together a schedule with something for everyone, from garden design to garden photography via cookery and papercraft – more than twenty different topics in total!
Our Garden Room will again be the venue for most of these courses (resplendent in a new colour scheme with a new serving area and furniture), along with tours of part of the garden where you will be able to see how the course content comes alive in a real garden.
We’re really pleased to be welcoming back some of our speakers from last year. Joe Wainwright’s garden photography courses were extremely well received last year, and this year he’ll be running dedicated courses for all levels of photographer, from beginners to advanced users. We’ll also be welcoming back award-winning garden designer Pip Probert, whose talk last year was one of our most popular events, and this year she’ll be giving us tips on Gardening for Small Spaces.
We’ll be seeing some new faces too! Later in the year expert plantsmen Michael Marriott (David Austen Roses) and Matthew Smith (Brighter Blooms) will be sharing their knowledge and experience of Roses and Tulips, respectively. We’ll also be welcoming the talented crafter Diane Lloyd who will be running regular Papercraft workshops, gourmet chef Hillary Finney will be sharing her expertise on cooking with herbs, Ann Busby of Simply Relish will be demonstrating how to make delicious preserves and relishes, and local craftsman Richard Joynson will be running two workshops on how to work with willow.
Of course we’ll be running a few courses of our own! We’ve got courses planned on wildlife gardening, growing herbs and using them in herbal teas, planning borders and choosing plants, edible flowers, salads and propagation. And of course, now that we officially have Britain’s Best Lawn we’ve got to run a couple of sessions on improving your lawn!
There may be one or two more late additions too, including a weekly gardening club for those of you keen to improve your gardening skills – watch this space.
We’re really excited about this lineup, and hopefully you are too. We’re looking forward to welcoming all our speakers and guests to Fieldcrest this year!